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4 aco dmt


4-Acetoxy-N, N-Dimethyltryptamin (also known as 4-AcO-DMT, 4-Acetoxy-DMT, O-Acetylpsilocin and Psilocin) is a neutral psychedelic substance from the tryptamin class. 4-AcO-DMT ähnelt chemically Psilocybin, dem Wirkstoff in Psilocybin-Pilzen (Zauberpilzen). There is a group that can be used as a substitute for Tryptamine and the use of the stimulation of Serotonin Rezeptor in the system.


O-Acetylpsilocin, a synthetic psychoactive drug, was developed by David Nichols as a potent alternative to psilocybin for pharmaceutical studies, both as products of psilocin . Buy Sie 4-ACO DMT ONLINE.

O-Acetylpsilocin 4-Acetoxy-DMT produces synthetics Tryptamin. This is the lower homologue of 4-AcO-DET, 4-AcO-MiPT and 4-AcO-DiPT as well as the acetylated Psilocybin-Pilzalkalioid Psilocin.

Pharmacological research has been carried out since the use of Psilocin products. The structural properties of psilocin and psilocybin are a different subjective behavior profile. These three associations are not separate. The power of 4-AcO-DMT is ideal for psylocybin pills. Buy 4-ACO-DMT online here in the Trippyheaven Apotheke

Online you can buy B4-ACO-DMT as well as various other psychedelic products for Ketamin, Ketamin, MDMA and LSD . For further information, please contact us if you wish to obtain a Psychedelic substance with limited application history.

Die Folgen
Allerdings gibt es Ansprüche auf subjective Differenzen in der Wirkung von Psilocin zwischen der acetylierten und der nicht acetylierten Version. Some users have an answer to the psylocin for a longer period of time, including other messages, which is a good idea.

Im Vergleich zu Psilocin weisen bedienen awender een kleinere Körperbelastung und Übelkeit auf.

Some nutzers can be used to make visual effects better with DMT and Psilocin since. Möglicherweise könnten these Differentenzen besthen. If 4-AcO-DMT is not used as a pro-medication, it must also act as an active substance.

The neutral psychedelic substance 4-Acetoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine ( 4-Acetoxy-DMT , O-Acetylpsilocin and Psilacetin) comes from Tryptamine Class. It has a chemical effect with Psilocybin, with the use of materials in Psilocybin-Pilzen. There are two groups of tryptamines that were used as substitutes for tryptamine. Diese wirken, indem sie die Rezeptoren des Serotonins im Gehirn anregen.

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2 Grams, 5 Grams, 1/2 Ounce, 1 Ounce


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