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trippy flip chocolate bar


Trippy Flip Milk Bars are also available with Psilocybin anger chocolates, including One Up Mushroom Bars and Polkadot Chocolate Bars. Useful messages from a physical body-high and life-like illusions, which make them “trippy” in their own right.


Trippy Flip Schokoriegel: Enjoy an exciting experience.
If you are a Trippy Flip Chocolate Bar and have a great experience, you can enjoy a meal and a transformative experience. There are some popular psychedelic chocolate products available on the market. You can’t get enough of the energy from the Psilocybin, you can get the better of your consciousness and you can do it.

Trippy Flip Milk Bars are distinguished by other chocolates, which with Psilocybin anger are also present, who would like to play one up mushroom bars or Polkadot Chocolate Bars. A whole body of high quality and life-like illusions, which these “trippy” names all their experiences, were reported by Benutzern.

It is important that both the dosages with small amounts start and that they will all work better. It is not possible to carry out some experiments to find the right point so that the psilocybin can be separated from the individual. Unsere egal ob Sie ein erfahrener Psychonaut oder ein neugieriger Neuling sind, een omfassender Dosierungsleitfaden kann Ihnen dabei hefen, das Erlebnis zu bewältigen.

Not with anything less than the best glücklich signal. If you want to know more about it, if you have a labor-tested product, you will be able to understand it better, after seeing it, you can purchase your trippy flip chocolate bar Chocolate directly from the official website. Discover the potential of your psychedelics!

Mikrodosis (trippy flip chocolate bar)
0.33 bis 099 g (1 bis 3 quadrate) In addition to the minimal effects of minimization and the use of physiological processes to test the results, both microscopic measurements of small amounts of psilocybin were taken into account . The Einbindung der Mikrodosierung in Ihre Wellness-Routine bietet ett verschiedene Vorteile, obwohl halluzinogene Wirkungen nicht or nur nur minimal zu spüren sein zijn. health benefits. Since the relationships between the person and the person could vary, they could only begin with the smallest dose, which could not be completed after the journey.

*Steigerung der Kreativität
*Verbesserte Stimmung
*Bessere Konzentration und Liebe zum Detail
*Leichte Euphorie
*Existenzielle Gedanken

Eine moderate Dosierung (trippy flip chocolate bar)
1.32 to 2.31 grams (4 to 7 quadrate)
A fully psychedelic psilocybin trip is administered in a moderate dose. A spiritual healing or life changing experience can be achieved in this situation. This dose is possible for further treatment. Wenn Sie ich nicht sicher sind, wie Ihr Körper reactert, start Sie immer with a lower dose.

*Tiefe Emotionen
*Gefühle des Friedens
*Stark visuelle Effekte
*Psychedelischer Trip
*Zeit- und Tonverzerrung
*Verstärkte körperliche Empfindungen

Megadose (trippy flip chocolate bar)
2.64 to 4 g (8 to 12 Quadratmeter)

A mega dose is a large trip. All these effects were achieved by the Potenz und Stärke zunehmen. This means that the man will not have to worry about the light, in the stadium there will be a clear view.

*Großer psychedelic trip
*Intensive Visuals with geschlossenen Augen
*Dissoziation vom physischen Körper

Hero dose (trippy flip chocolate bar)
5g+ The first phase of the psilocybin dosing experiments were started after years of testing . If it is not possible, then this is the first negative and long-lasting follow-up, wenn man nicht darauf vorbereitet. Mach das nicht zufällig.

*Lebensverändernder psychedelischer Trip
*Tiefe spirituelle Reise
*Unfähigkeit, zwischen Gedanken und physischer Realität zu unterscheiden
*Gefühl des Nichts
*Neue Dimensionen, parallele Realitäten, alternative Universen, Außerirdische.

Additional information


One, Two, Five, Zehn, Swanky, Fivefold, One hundred


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